I've been playing Golden State open since 2010. In 2010 and 2012, I had a really bad tournament whereas in 2011, I finished off with 5 points in U2000 section with $300 prize money. http://www.goldenstateopen.com/ Golden State open 2013 in U2200 section was the most successful tournament I've played so far and scored full 6 points for clear 2nd and pocketed $1000.
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Golden State open 2013, Round 7 With calm and confidence working on my 6th win |
Between the rounds in my free time I was trying to keep myself concentrated as much as possible. As an adult, there are so many things to worry about in life. It's not easy to forget about everything and think about chess for days without any distraction. So, I made a "Tournament Do or Do Not list" to remind myself some important but simple stuff in chess. The list can be created based on your own weaknesses that you think you need to improve. I wrote, 1."Do what the position wants you to do", 2."Do Not intimidate with your opponent. Play with your board, not with the person" and etc. This was another way that I was trying to discipline myself. On the other hand, How should I discipline myself after I lost? Losing is the worst part of the tournament. Most of the times, it is too heartbreaking and too difficult to handle. This is the another psychological challenge for every chess player. After my 4th round which I lost, I was devastated because I thought I was completely winning. After the game, I analyzed with my friend and realized it wasn't that simple as i thought. I misjudged the certain position and underestimated my opponent's two connected passed pawns while I was enjoying my extra piece. I still had one more game to play that day, obviously, it wouldn't be a good idea to regret and be miserable. So, I decided to play some ball with my friend to get my mind off of chess. Amazingly, it actually worked. I came back energetic and win my next round convincingly. That was the most exciting game on this tournament.
At last, I wanna say preparation is the key to success. A preparation gives you a confidence, a confidence can make a power. Chess is too complex to prepare although we can narrow it down by reviewing opening lines, studying tactics or working on your own games. Recently, I just picked up a new opening line for black, in which needs a tremendous study. It's not necessary to know everything in the opening but it is necessary to know your middlegame plan and what you'r doing. What I did in my preparation was very simple; mainly, I reviewed my openings to make sure I can reach a reasonable position to go on and worked on my games and mistakes to make sure I don't repeat them. I don't really think that what you are preparing is important, what's important is a preparation itself. Whatever you prepare can enhance your confidence to get you ready for the brutal chess battle.
Here is my games with an annotation:
3 day schedule, G/75 Jan 19, Round 1:
Uyanga Byambaa - Charles Tang [C10]
Golden State Open 2013 (1),
Position after 16. Ra4 |
14.Bxf6 gxf6 15.a5 Bc7 16.Ra4 Nice rook lift! One more piece join the attack besides bishop's aiming to h7 and queen placed on a nice diagonal d1-h5. However, black has a lot of sources he can defend.
16...f5 17.Rh4 Qe5 18.f4? Hanging b2 pawn wasn't really smart in this case because it's not a poisoned pawn. [18.Qh5 Qg7 19.f4 Qg6 20.Rf3 Qxh5 21.Rxh5 f6 22.Bc4 Kh8 23.Nd4 ]
18...Qf6 19.Rh3 [19.Qh5 again this was the best but I just didn't want to exchange my queens after he plays 19... Qg6. Unfortunately, keep hesitating to exchange off my queen worsened my position gradually. ]
19...Kh8 20.Rff3 threatening Rxh7+!
20...Rg8 21.c3 Rg4 22.Rfg3 Rxg3 23.hxg3 e5 24.fxe5 Bxe5 25.g4 Be6 both sides having a little bit of time pressure at this moment.
26.Nc5 Rg8 27.Nxe6 fxe6 28.gxf5 exf5 29.Qf3 b6 30.Bxf5 Rg7 31.Qa8+ black resigned. 1-0
Round 2:
Anthony Alexander Blessing - Uyanga Byambaa [E97]
Golden State Open 2013 (2), 19.01.2013
Position after 33....Bb3 |
1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.d4 0-0 6.Be2 e5 7.0-0 Nc6 8.Be3 Ng4 9.h3 Surprising move! I didn't think he could give up his dark square bishop in this position where the dark square bishop is very importand to have. However in return, white is obtaining the half open f-file. Nxe3 10.fxe3 Bh6 Now, he has some dark square problem's since the bishop is gone, so start attacking his weak dark squares. 11.Nd5 Be6 12.Kh1 Kh8 13.Nc3 Threatening to fork on d5. Bd7 14.Nd5 a5 15.Qb3 Qc8 16.Qc3 Bg7 17.Rad1 Nb4 18.a3 Nxd5 19.exd5 f5 20.dxe5 dxe5 21.e4 f4? fxe4 was better. 22.c5 Qe8 23.Rc1 Qe7 24.c6 bxc6 25.dxc6 Be6 26.Qc5 Qf6 27.Rfd1 Rfb8 28.Rd2 g5 that's where time trouble started. 29.Nh2 Bf8 30.Qc2 Rd8 31.Rcd1 Rxd2 32.Rxd2 Rd8 33.Bg4 Bb3! 34.Qc3 Rxd2 35.Qxd2 Qxc6 Black stands clearly better however; because of time trouble I made a lot of lousy moves that are leads to almost a draw. Luckily, my opponent blunder really bad at the end when he had only few seconds on the clock. 36.Nf3 Bd6 37.Nxg5 Kg7 38.Bf5 h6 39.Nf3 a4 40.Qf2 Qc1+ 41.Kh2 Bd1 42.Qe1 0-1
Uyanga Byambaa - Ed Cohen [C50]
Golden State Open 2013 (3),
Position after 19. h4 |
5.Nxd4 Nf6 [5...d6 ]
6.Nc3 d6 7.0-0 0-0 8.h3 a6 9.a4 Bd7 10.Be3 Ne5 11.Bb3 c5 12.Nf5 Bc6!? it was very necessary to chop off my strong knight. My knight on f5 is much stronger than his bishop, so he shouldn't let my knight sit there forever. 13.Bd5 [13.f4 Ng6 14.Qf3 ] 13...Re8 14.f4 Ng6 15.Bxc6 bxc6 16.Qf3 Bf8 17.Rad1 Qc7 18.g4 h6 19.h4 Fearless. My plan is simple; just attack his kingside since he doesn't have any counterplay on queenside or even center. Re6 20.h5 Nh8 21.g5 Pawns are just keeps coming, trying to open up the position. Nxe4? Unfortunately, his position is too cramped and that makes him play a dubious move like that. 22.Nxe4 Rae8 23.Neg3 g6 24.gxh6 gxf5 25.Nxf5 Another knight sits on the f5 square. Kh7 26.Kh1 f6 27.Rg1 Qf7 28.Bf2 Bxh6 29.Nxd6 Qc7 30.Qd3+ Black resigned. 1-0
A Perfect score so far. Very nice start!
Jan 20, Round 4:
Siddarth Banik - Uyanga Byambaa [B33]
Golden State Open 2013 (5),
Position after 27.Qd5 |
11...b4 12.Nc2 a5 13.g3 0-0 14.Bg2 Bg5 15.0-0 Be6 [15...Ne7 ]
16.b3 Ne7 17.f4 Bh6 [17...exf4 18.Nxf4 ]
18.Qh5 f5? [18...Bxd5 19.cxd5 (19.exd5 Qb6+ 20.Kh1 exf4=/+ ) ]
19.fxe5 Bxd5 20.exd6 [20.exd5 dxe5 21.d6 Qxd6 22.Bxa8 Rxa8 23.Rad1 Qc5+ 24.Kg2+/= ]
20...Bf7 21.Qd1 Nc6 22.c5 fxe4? [22...Qd7 23.Rxf5 Be6 24.Rxf8+ Rxf8 25.Qe2 ]
23.Bxe4 Rc8 24.Rxf7 Rxf7 25.Bd5 Ne5? [25...Qf6 26.Qe2 Qf5 27.Rd1 Rcf8 ]
26.Bxf7+ Nxf7 27.Qd5 Qg5? [27...Qd7= ]
28.d7 Rd8 29.Re1 Kf8 30.Qc6 Ne5 31.Qd6+ Qe7 32.Rxe5 Qxd6 33.cxd6 Rxd7 34.Rxa5 Bd2 35.Rd5 Bc3 36.a3 bxa3 37.Nxa3 Kf7 38.Nc4 Ke6 39.Rd3 Bb4 40.Kf2 h5 41.Re3+ Kf5 42.Re5+ Kg6 43.Ke2 Bc3 44.Kd3 Ba1 the rest was very straightforward win for white. 1-0
Round 5:
Uyanga Byambaa (2094) - Joshua Cao (2035) [B33]
Golden State Open 2013 (5), 30.01.2013
Position after 18.c4 |
11...axb5 12.Nxb5 Rb8 Inaccuracy! 12...Ra4 should've been played. The idea behind that is threatening to take e4 pawn with check, so white forced to castle, which slows his attack by one move. [12...Ra4 13.Nbc7+ Kd7 14.0-0 Rxe4 15.Qh5 Ne7 16.Qxf7 Kc6 17.c4~~ ]
13.Nbc7+ Kd7 14.Qh5 Ne7 15.Qxf7 Rb7? [15...Kc6 16.b4 Nxd5 17.b5+ Rxb5 18.exd5+ Rxd5 19.Qxd5+ Kxc7 20.Rb1 ]
16.Ne6 Qa5+ 17.b4 Qb5 18.c4 [18.a4! Qc4 19.Nf6+ Kc6 20.Nd8+ Kc7 21.Qxc4++- ]
18...Qxc4 19.Nb6+ Rxb6 20.Nxf8+ Rxf8 21.Qxc4 Ba6 22.Qb3 Nc6 23.a3 fxe4 24.Rc1 Bd3 25.f3 Nd4 26.Qa4+ Ke6 27.fxe4 Ra6 28.Qd1 Rxa3 29.Qg4+ Kf6 30.Qh4+ Kg6 31.Qg3+ Kh6 32.h4 Rf4 33.Qg5# 1-0
Jan 21, Round 6:
Paul Richter - Uyanga Byambaa [B30]
Golden State Open 2013 (6),
Position after 24....Rad6 |
4.Bc4 [4.d4 ]
4...Bg7 5.0-0 e6 6.d4 cxd4 7.Nb5 d6 8.Nfxd4 Nxd4 9.Nxd4 a6 10.c3 Ne7 11.Bg5 h6 12.Bh4 0-0 13.Re1 Qc7 14.Bb3 Nc6 15.Nxc6 bxc6 16.Qd2 a5 17.Bg3 e5 18.f3 [18.Rad1 Rd8 ]
18...a4 19.Bc4 Ba6 20.Bxa6 Rxa6 21.Bf2 Rd8 22.c4 d5!? A Pawn sac in order to dominate the d- file. 23.cxd5 cxd5 24.exd5 Rad6 25.Rad1 Qc4 26.Ra1? This was his only serious mistake. Rxd5 27.Qe2 Qb4 28.Be3 e4 29.fxe4 Qxe4 30.Bb6 Qxe2 31.Rxe2 Rb8 32.Bc7 Rb7 33.Rc1 Bxb2 34.Rc4 Bd4+ 35.Kf1 Rb1+ 36.Re1 Rf5+ resign 0-1
Round 7:
Uyanga Byambaa - Jamsh Alamenzadex [C41]
Golden State Open 2013 (7),
Position after 29....Rxe5 |
Here is the result: http://goldenstateopen.com/
Final Standings
# | Name | Rtng | St | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Rd 7 | Tot |
1 | Siddharth G Banik | 2033 | CA | W60 | W49 | W30 | W2 | W7 | W11 | D4 | 6.5 |
2 | WFM Uyanga Byambaa | 2094 | CA | W31 | W20 | W54 | L1 | W12 | W10 | W7 | 6.0 |
3 | Jack Qijie Zhu | 2180 | CA | L20 | W26 | D51 | W40 | D15 | W27 | W11 | 5.0 |
4 | Udit Iyengar | 2091 | CA | D38 | L29 | W36 | W32 | W28 | W17 | D1 | 5.0 |
5 | Steven Gaffagan | 2078 | CA | W39 | D40 | D24 | D30 | W51 | D21 | W22 | 5.0 |
6 | Scott Treiman | 2072 | UT | L40 | W66 | W16 | W29 | L11 | W23 | W21 | 5.0 |
7 | Jamsh Alamehzadeh | 1961 | CA | W57 | W17 | W37 | W42 | L1 | W26 | L2 | 5.0 |
8 | Matthew K Ng | 2167 | CA | H— | H— | D31 | W41 | D19 | D15 | W24 | 4.5 | |
9 | Michael Wang | 2080 | CA | W45 | L30 | L38 | W52 | W33 | W19 | D13 | 4.5 | |
10 | Paul Richter | 2070 | CA | W46 | D48 | W40 | D21 | W24 | L2 | D14 | 4.5 | |
11 | Benjamin X Tong | 2053 | CA | W41 | W56 | D21 | W22 | W6 | L1 | L3 | 4.5 | |
12 | Joshua Cao | 2035 | CA | L48 | W45 | W14 | W38 | L2 | W29 | D15 | 4.5 | |
13 | Ethan Li | 2033 | AZ | D24 | D16 | D32 | W59 | D29 | W42 | D9 | 4.5 | |
14 | Valeriy Timofeyev | 1975 | CA | D33 | D52 | L12 | W46 | W45 | W25 | D10 | 4.5 |
15 | Yuan Wang | 1954 | CA | H— | H— | W53 | W54 | D3 | D8 | D12 | 4.5 |
16 | Damon S Mosk-Aoyama | 1917 | CA | H— | D13 | L6 | D60 | W59 | W37 | W31 | 4.5 |
17 | Greg Kenneth C Lope | 2071 | CA | W23 | L7 | W25 | W37 | D21 | L4 | H— | 4.0 | |
18 | Kevin Moy | 2009 | CA | H— | L24 | L41 | W49 | D32 | W52 | W33 | 4.0 | |
19 | Praveen Narayanan | 2002 | CA | L49 | W46 | D59 | W48 | D8 | L9 | W47 | 4.0 | |
20 | Anthony Alexander Blessing | 1997 | CA | W3 | L2 | W61 | L24 | D37 | D30 | W42 | 4.0 | |
21 | Ivan Troufanov | 1985 | CA | W59 | W61 | D11 | D10 | D17 | D5 | L6 | 4.0 | |
22 | Rayan Taghizadeh | 1981 | CA | H— | W43 | W33 | L11 | D25 | W35 | L5 | 4.0 | |
23 | Christopher Au | 1947 | CA | L17 | W57 | H— | H— | W53 | L6 | W43 | 4.0 | |
24 | Peter Thomas Korzeb | 1920 | HI | D13 | W18 | D5 | W20 | L10 | W50 | L8 | 4.0 | |
25 | Tony Sung Yim r/e | 2163 | AZ | D28 | W55 | L17 | W47 | D22 | L14 | H— | 3.5 | |
26 | Walter Chan | 2150 | CA | D36 | L3 | W49 | W31 | W30 | L7 | U— | 3.5 | |
27 | Ethan Xie | 2015 | AZ | D43 | L33 | W44 | W56 | D35 | L3 | D30 | 3.5 | |
28 | Felix Rudyak | 1956 | CA | D25 | W50 | L42 | W57 | L4 | W51 | U— | 3.5 | |
29 | Ashritha Eswaran | 1934 | CA | H— | W4 | W48 | L6 | D13 | L12 | D34 | 3.5 | |
30 | Arvind Sankar | 1916 | CA | W35 | W9 | L1 | D5 | L26 | D20 | D27 | 3.5 | |
31 | Charles Tang | 1906 | CA | L2 | W60 | D8 | L26 | W58 | W38 | L16 | 3.5 | |
32 | WIM Ruth Inez Haring | 1900 | CA | W62 | L54 | D13 | L4 | D18 | D36 | W55 | 3.5 | |
33 | Michael S Ho | 1876 | CA | D14 | W27 | L22 | W58 | L9 | W40 | L18 | 3.5 | |
34 | Eric Alan Steger | 1867 | CA | H— | H— | U— | L53 | W46 | W39 | D29 | 3.5 | |
35 | Igor Vladim Traub | 2112 | CA | L30 | W36 | D56 | W43 | D27 | L22 | U— | 3.0 | |
36 | Edward Li | 1977 | CA | D26 | L35 | L4 | W44 | D47 | D32 | D41 | 3.0 | |
37 | Brendan* Lacounte r/e | 1974 | CA | W47 | W42 | L7 | L17 | D20 | L16 | D40 | 3.0 | |
38 | Theodore Alexander Biyiasas | 1969 | CA | D4 | D53 | W9 | L12 | D50 | L31 | D44 | 3.0 | |
39 | Michael A Schemm | 1927 | WA | L5 | L58 | L46 | B— | W61 | L34 | W54 | 3.0 | |
40 | Abhishek Handigol | 1924 | CA | W6 | D5 | L10 | L3 | W56 | L33 | D37 | 3.0 | |
41 | Nils Delmonico | 1922 | CA | L11 | D62 | W18 | L8 | L52 | W56 | D36 | 3.0 | |
42 | John Natha Morcos | 1919 | CA | W50 | L37 | W28 | L7 | W54 | L13 | L20 | 3.0 | |
43 | Nikunj C Oza | 1919 | CA | D27 | L22 | W62 | L35 | D48 | W55 | L23 | 3.0 | |
44 | Ojas Chinchwadkar | 1915 | CA | L54 | H— | L27 | L36 | W49 | W59 | D38 | 3.0 | |
45 | Noah Dennis Fields | 1887 | WA | L9 | L12 | W66 | W61 | L14 | H— | H— | 3.0 | |
46 | Vikram Vasan | 1844 | CA | L10 | L19 | W39 | L14 | L34 | W60 | B— | 3.0 | |
47 | Greg M Sarafian r/e | 1829 | CA | L37 | B— | D55 | L25 | D36 | W54 | L19 | 3.0 | |
48 | Anirudh Seela | 1822 | CA | W12 | D10 | L29 | L19 | D43 | H— | H— | 3.0 | |
49 | Ben Rood | 1698 | CA | W19 | L1 | L26 | L18 | L44 | W68 | W60 | 3.0 | |
50 | James E Jones | 2007 | CA | L42 | L28 | W57 | W55 | D38 | L24 | U— | 2.5 | |
51 | Vikram Ganesh | 1899 | CA | X65 | H— | D3 | H— | L5 | L28 | U— | 2.5 | |
52 | Joanna Liu | 1823 | CA | H— | D14 | D58 | L9 | W41 | L18 | U— | 2.5 | |
53 | Farid Mark D. Watson | 2040 | CA | H— | D38 | L15 | W34 | L23 | U— | U— | 2.0 | |
54 | Ed Cohen | 2000 | CA | W44 | W32 | L2 | L15 | L42 | L47 | L39 | 2.0 | |
55 | Rodell E Mapp | 1989 | CA | H— | L25 | D47 | L50 | W60 | L43 | L32 | 2.0 | |
56 | H. G. Pitre | 1905 | WA | W58 | L11 | D35 | L27 | L40 | L41 | H— | 2.0 | |
57 | Patrick Le Enrico | 1800 | CA | L7 | L23 | L50 | L28 | B— | H— | H— | 2.0 | |
58 | Ethan John Chamberlain | 1994 | CA | L56 | W39 | D52 | L33 | L31 | U— | U— | 1.5 | |
59 | Andrew Roach | 1895 | UT | L21 | W63 | D19 | L13 | L16 | L44 | U— | 1.5 | |
60 | Jeffrey Wei | 1754 | CA | L1 | L31 | B— | D16 | L55 | L46 | L49 | 1.5 | |
61 | Peter Gaffney | 1754 | CA | W66 | L21 | L20 | L45 | L39 | U— | U— | 1.0 | |
62 | Hovik Manvelyan | 1990 | CA | L32 | D41 | L43 | U— | U— | U— | U— | 0.5 | |
63 | Walter Lesquillier | 1770 | CA | U— | L59 | U— | D64 | U— | U— | U— | 0.5 | |
64 | Scott Cameron | 1433 | CA | U— | U— | U— | D63 | U— | U— | U— | 0.5 | |
65 | No Player | 1988 | CA | F51 | U— | U— | U— | U— | U— | U— | 0.0 | |
66 | Brendan A Lacounte | 1974 | CA | L61 | L6 | L45 | U— | U— | U— | U— | 0.0 | |
67 | Bryon J Doyle | 1952 | UT | U— | U— | U— | U— | U— | U— | U— | 0.0 | |
68 | Aldrich Ong | 1796 | CA | U— | U— | U— | U— | U— | L49 | U— | 0.0 | |
69 | Arul Viswanathan | 1370 | CA | U— | U— | U— | U— | U— | U— | U— | 0.0 |
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